Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today I am...

....enjoying the weekend I've been dreaming of for months.  Lazy. Quiet. Peaceful. And, most importantly, at home.

Brian is in the garage:

building us a new entertainment center for here:

I cannot wait for the first piece to be finished!

Speaking of finished... the laundry room is almost finished....

Just waiting on choosing a counter top, raising the center cabinet, finishing the trim for the shelf above the washer/dryer and hanging stuff back up on the walls!

Brian's wildflowers:

Are growing in now:

And I love them.

And I cannot wait for these to ripen...

I have a little mess to clean up from a fun little party last night:

We played bingo, ate a great new pasta dish I cooked up and had fun hanging out.

Now I get to go play with the crafty stuff all weekend....

Or maybe the fabric?

Or maybe I'll just take a nap with this one....

Or this one...

Or hope for more text message pics like these of my cute niece Abby and her big brother, my favorite nephew CT...

♥ & miss those cute kiddos! :)


  1. AWESOME photos!! Can't wait to see the wall unit he makes! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Nothing better than a quiet weekend at home! Enjoy!

  3. Loved this post. Like seeing so many little blips of your life. Wish we were closer so we could share some of those blips...

  4. Oooh I wish my DH would do that for me! Hooray for quiet weekends. I really love those kind and I know how busy you've been lately! You deserve the break!


Thank you so much for stopping by! Your comments are appreciated! :)
