Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Week in the Life: Wednesday

Note:  This week I will be running journaling I wrote down each day during the week of July 25th + pics of stuff I took on those days. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

listening: to the tv
eating: tacos
drinking: 2% milk
wearing: jammies
feeling: exhausted
weather: gorgeous summer evening
wanting: to catch up on everything
needing: sleep
thinking: about this weekend
enjoying: having Brian home (instead of working in Felton!)
wondering: if I can get everything done

Woke up this morning to Phil Collins, Another Day in Paradise.  Love that song.  Scar with her head just outside of the covers snoring.

Breakfast:  Odwalla Chocolate Protein Monster shake
Lunch:  tuna sandwich on toasted whole wheat, goldfish crackers, raspberries, glass of 2% milk
Afternoon: cap'n crunch frapp from Starbucks
Dinner: tacos, glass of 2% milk

Just another day in the grind.  Phone calls with friends, Mom and Dad.  Text messages with friends and family.  Tossing a tennis ball on the front lawn for Scarlet.  Tuckin' Brian into bed early.  This week is flying by!

Great quote today that hit my e-mail:
♥ it.


  1. i should copy your little list. :) great idea.

    and love the photo of the pup.

    have a great day~!


  2. I think this was a super fun post Amanda! Scarlet is just darling. Thanks for letting us have a peek into your day.


Thank you so much for stopping by! Your comments are appreciated! :)
