Sunday, January 29, 2012

12 Goals for 2012

I've been wanting to write this post for, well, 29 days!  Seeing as how January is nearly up, I better get this done and posted... :) This year, in honor of 12 months in the year 2012, I thought it made sense to have 12 goals:
  1. Find a new job.
  2. Learn to make marshmallows.
  3. Make 6 quilts and sew myself a shirt.
  4. Read 10 books.
  5. Run a 5k.
  6. Knit a blanket.
  7. Frame and hang photos.
  8. Finish laundry room and paint the kitchen back splash.
  9. Consistently take pictures, organize all our digital photos, scan all the rest and make backups.
  10. Go camping with Brian at least once.
  11. Do Project Life album and keep up.
  12. Blog once a week.
Those are my main twelve goals for this year.  So far, I haven't started, but I'm going to post these so I see them every day and I'm hoping that will help.  What are your goals for this year?


  1. Great list! I hope you'll share your Project Life album. I've been thinking about investing in an album for a baby book to keep for the first year.

  2. update! ;) otherwise i'll just stalk you on instagram, haha!



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