Sunday, January 08, 2012

2012: A Month-by-Month Prediction

I can't believe it's already 2012!!

Following yesterday's post, I thought I'd follow up with this today before it got too much further into 2012.  So if you've never checked out this website, that I blogged about here, go check it out!  It's okay, I'll wait :) 

Today, I popped on over there and found this prompt:
Write a month-by-month prediction for this year.  Start with "This month, I will..."
Well, don't have to ask me twice! :)  So here goes:

This month, I will work a lot of hours, as usual! 

In February, we will celebrate Valentine's Day and my birthday. 

In March, we will celebrate Brian's 40th birthday!

In April, I will see my favorite girls for our annual cropulation in Denver.

In May, we will celebrate my nephew Creighton's 4th birthday and my Dad's birthday.

In June, we will camp.  Just floating that out there to my husband ;) lol  Go with my family to a SF Giants game - Creighton's first!

In July, I will do something outdoorsy with my husband.

In August, I will work on the house.  At this point, I'm focusing on the upstairs - the loft and master bedroom/bath/closet. 

In September, I will prepare for the holidays.

In October, we will celebrate 7 years of marriage and, hopefully, travel somewhere fun to celebrate! 

In November, we will celebrate Thanksgiving.  We will go see the last Twilight movie! ;)

In December, we will celebrate Abby's 2nd birthday and Christmas.

This is a really loose list, but that's what it's looking to be!  I also want to fit in the following items:
  • A trip to see my brother for 4-5 days.
  • A mini vacation with Brian (camping? SF? Yosemite? Santa Barbara?).
  • A girl's weekend with my sister and Mom.
  • A weekend foodie tour of LA with Evelyn and Drea.
  • A couple visits to Placerville.
  • At least one 5k run, hopefully with Drea and/or Anna.
  • A live concert, musical or comedy show.  Something fun and new to us!
It was fun to think about the year like this. What will you do this year?! :)

1 comment:

  1. I loveeeeeeeeeeee how you have your year planned out! That is AWESOME! :):):):):):):):):):):)


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