Monday, January 07, 2013

Forty Three...

... is the number of jars of jam I made last summer!

12 Apricot

11 Red Raspberry

8 Mixed Berry (Strawberry, Blackberry, Blueberry)

4 Blueberry

4 pints Strawberry Vanilla

3 pints Olallieberry

All super delicious!! :)

I used various sites for reference, but ended up deciding to rely upon the info on this site.  Most recipes seem to call for a one cup fruit to one cup sugar ratio.  In my opinion?  WAY too much sugar.  So I experimented and learned that it's easiest to add about a half cup of sugar at a time until it tastes right!   My ratio is about 6 cups fruit to 1-1/2 cups sugar (or less depending on the sweetness of the fruit), 1 tsp pectin, 1 lemon (juiced) and about 1/2 cup water.  Cook until it boils and starts rising, turn down the heat and then use the freezer plate method (found here) to test for the jam being "done" and ready to can.  I just followed the canning methods I picked up from our canning kit last year to sterilize the equipment/jars and water pack the jam to seal the jars properly.

Already dreaming up what fruit combos to try this year.... any suggestions?! :)


  1. Yum!! It's been a long time since I've made jam (or done any canning). The only food we grow in serious excess is oranges, which don't lend themselves all that well to canning (we don't like orange marmalade).


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