Thursday, August 23, 2012

Status of the Summer Manifesto...

While crickets chirp here... we are off enjoying the summer!  Here's how it goes so far with the Summer Manifesto....
My favorite pic so far this summer -- my Dad beating Brian at croquet.  First and only time that's happened in our backyard so far... ;)

Play with Scarlet everyday | YES. :)
Go hiking | Still on the list....
Go biking | Still on the list.... waiting for the Indian Summer to kick in for this one!
Go explore | Went to the Strawberry Festival and Gizditch Ranch with my parents, my good friend Erin and her niece.
Read a Book | Let's Pretend this Never Happened by Jenny Lawson (hilarious!), currently reading Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks
Spend Time in Our Backyard | YES.  Been playing with Scarlet, playing Croquet, hanging out with friends, BBQing, gardening... so in love with the backyard!
Enjoy our personal Farmer's Market | Tomatoes, onions, carrots, lettuce, broccoli, squash, jalapenos, watermelons, lemon cucumbers, berries, strawberries.... all DELICIOUS!
Go to the Flea Market | Not yet...
Spend time with family & friends | Big, huge YES!  Coffee with my local girls using my new espresso machine (Leti, Anna & Elaine!), lunch out with various coworkers & friends, dinner out with Alli (Tommy's Wok & Pinkberry), dinner with my work team & boss, my parents have visited us twice, BBQ & Tour de France with Andrew & Melissa, stampin' time with Bri and Kat, skype with Zarogina, phone calls with too many to list, Monday night Bachelorette/Bachelor Pad chat sessions.... all kinds of fun with the hubby watching the Tour, running errands, hanging out watchin' our favorite summer shows & the Olympics, trying new restaurants.... it's been a fun summer so far! :)
Make stuff | So far a pile of cards, been working on a baby quilt and a crocheted blanket, jam (red raspberry, olallieberry, mixed berry, blueberry, apricot and strawberry vanilla!)... I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of other stuff!
Watch movies | oh no shortage of this either!  Brian and I went to see the new Spiderman (loved it).... all kinds of movies on the Netflix and cable too, but we've slowed down over the last month to pay more attention to the Tour de France and Olympics... now it's hunting season so Brian's off hunting all the time!
Play games | Words with Friends, Matching with Friends, Scramble with Friends and Draw Something on the cell phones!  In real life, croquet and badminton in the backyard ;)
Work on the house | Aside from keeping the garden alive and the house picked up, nothing major yet... this will probably move to the fall/winter!
Go camping | Not yet... probably won't happen until hunting season is over and we are well into fall... sigh...
Try something new | Olallieberries -- YUM!  Gizditch Ranch was also something new to me and a lot of fun -- planning on going back early next summer to pick our own Olallieberries!! Two new restaurants in Salinas -- BJ's Brewhouse and Five Guys Burger.  Pinkberry -- LOVE it!  Gym at lunchtime (also loving this!). 

So we aren't doing so bad on this list... a few more things to be done this summer for sure!  A trip to take, more time with friends and family.... more fun to be had :)

Are you enjoying your summer?!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! What's your deadline? The actual end of summer, as in the fall equinox? In our world, summer ended Aug 15, the first day of school.


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