Tuesday, January 01, 2013

My One Little Word for 2013... Adventure!

I definitely enjoyed last year!  I want to continue the path I set out on in 2009 of creating, loving, living and enjoying my life.  When I thought about what I wanted out of this year.... well it was pretty easy....

My one word I want to live by this year is ADVENTURE!

Photo taken September 2012 onboard the USS Constellation in the Baltimore harbor.
I want to try new things, visit new places and have fun times with my family and friends.  Simple, easy and probably not tied to my goal setting in any way this year!

My words in the past have been.... Enjoy (2012), Live (2011), Love (2010), and Create (2009).

What are your resolutions this year?

1 comment:

  1. Good choice! That's one of three words I was considering. I ended up going with a different one though. Have a great time having adventures this year!!


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