Thursday, January 03, 2013

Goals for January

Already daydreaming of some pretty flowers in our yard this spring!
Okay, so here goes what I want to accomplish for this month...

*Daily journaling in my Q and A a Day: 5-Year Journal.
*Complete 4 pages for my nephew's and niece's baby books.
*Start collecting pictures and stuff for Creighton's preschool scrapbook pages.
*Blog at least once a week.
*Use at least one of my new stamp sets.
*Take pictures everyday.
*Workout at least 4 times/week (Saturday mornings with the husband!)
*Clean up my craft room disaster.
*Reorganize scarfs and travel stuff in our master closet.
*Finish Amy's quilt.
*Work on Madeline's quilt.
*Try at least one new recipe.
*Plan a girl's crafty weekend.
*Book our family trip to Disneyland in March.

That ought to keep me busy!

What are you planning on this month?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like more than enough to keep you extremely busy! Good luck!


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