Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Looking Back on Goals from 2012

Photo found here.
Before I tackle this year, I do want to look back on the goals I set for 2012:

Find a new job. Success!  I have been working my new job since last February!
Learn to make marshmallows. Fail!
Make 6 quilts and sew myself a shirt. Fail!
Read 10 books.  I'm calling this one a success... between books for work, books for fun... totally did this one!
Run a 5k. Fail!
Knit a blanket. Started, so definitely a success!
Frame and hang photos. Fail! Still waiting for me to do...
Finish laundry room and paint the kitchen back splash. Fail!  Figured out what to do to finish it... just need to DO it!
Consistently take pictures, organize all our digital photos, scan all the rest and make backups.  Partial success... lots of picture taking, 100% of it on my iphone, but not so much on the rest of it!
Go camping with Brian at least once. Fail!
Do Project Life album and keep up. Fail!
Blog once a week. Complete and utter fail!  But I'm okay with it.... I was out enjoying my time with my husband, family and friends and working hard.

This year, I want to be more intentional about accomplishing things. I feel that a I have too many "loose ends" (aka unfinished projects!)... many carrying over from this list from last year.  So I'm shifting focus and setting goals monthly.  Whether or not I pause to commit them to words here?  I don't know yet.....

Do you set goals for yourself?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, commit them to words on the blog. Accountability helps with success! Plus, I like hearing what you're up to and how you're doing. :)


Thank you so much for stopping by! Your comments are appreciated! :)
