Today I am:
Reading: Making the Cut by Jillian Michaels and Everyone Worth Knowing by Lauren Weisberger
Listening to: Still listening to David Cook in the car, also listening to the Twilight soundtrack a lot
Obsessed With:
**Food = homemade tortillas, orange juice - yum.
**Crafts = scrapbooking is starting to fade a little while I pick up three quilts I gotta get finished. Also finishing up a wall photo mosaic project.
**Workouts = running with Brian, getting ready to do Jillian Michaels 30 day program (see book above!)
**Time wasters = This holds true from last month.... American Idol, Amazing Race and Greys, along with facebook and the internet in general!
**House = Finally picked paint colors for the master bed + bath. Trying to figure out when to paint in the busy schedule.
Thinking About: My long to-do list. Wondering where I will be at in the grand scheme of life come this summer.
Planning: The rest of the month. Wondering how I will get it all in!
Dreaming Of: Finishing the interior of our house substantially.... paint, new couches, new coffee table, new rugs. Wishing I could play some game show to win the money to do so!
Enjoying: The beautiful weather. The time I get with Brian, sparse as it is.
Vowing To: Finish piecing and cutting my brother's quilt, start sewing my sister's quilt and to finally finish quilting Amy's. Happy I made good progress on all three in the past month.
Working On: Getting our computer space issues resolved - I can finally order what we need! Yay for tax return money! :)
Excited About: Brian's birthday on Friday. Still wondering what to get him as a present!
Favorite food I made in the last month: Tortillas.
Getting out and about: Went to SF with Nancy last weekend. Spent time with my sister and nephew for my birthday. Had dinner with Patti and Erin (separate nights). Lots of running with Brian. The last month has been good. :)
Favorite photo from the last month: Not downloaded from the camera yet -- eek! Better add that to my list.
I've made some good progress on my to-do list in the last month. How are you doing on your resolutions?

Can't wait for the next busy update. You might be the only person I know as busy as me.
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