1. Finish Amy's Quilt
It just needs the rest of the binding fabric pieced together and stitched on. It's the small things. :)
2. Finish the Craft Room/Office
I need to iron & hem the curtains, then hang them. Apply the glass blocking stuff to the middle cabinet doors, paint the sign Brian made me and hang it up! I'd also like to repurpose and hang something to store the mists in a better location :)
3. Learn to Make Marshmallows
I need to face the reality that this has been on my list of things to try out for I don't know... like three years. I bought a book and the necessary items. Just never made them. Time to cross this one off the list!
4. Christmas Cards
I've been good about making them, I have not been good about distributing them. They will go in the mail by December 10th this year. If you didn't get one last year or the year before, it's because I didn't get them in the mail. Would it be bad to stuff the envelopes with three years worth of cards this year?! ;)
5. Finish Reorganizing Paperwork
For someone who's pretty well organized, my paperwork always seems to come last or next to never. I need to finish cleaning this out and I don't want to continue carrying this bad habit forward any further!
6. Finish & Hang Artwork in Laundryroom
Since the rest of that to-do list is really Brian's list.... I want to make sure I finish my part this year! :) I have it all planned out in my head... now just to do it!
Brian also wants me to finish this item, so I'm adding it to my list:
7. Clean Out Our Loft
It's become my junk room. Problem is it doesn't have a door.... :) I need to sell a few items on eBay or Craigslist, purge some stuff and generally clean it up. It's not a small endeavor, but now that the living room is clean, I know I can finish this! :)
Did you have any 2011 goals? How are you doing with them?

My goals were to get pregnant, Accomplished. And stop biting my nails, Accomplished! 2011 was a good year for me. The first time I actually accomplished the goals I set. Good luck on yours!
Hmmm, I'm sure I have some goals...question is, which ones out of the thousands should I actually even TRY to accomplish?
Also, I say send all three years! It could be fun!
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